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Chapel Break Infant School

Early Years

Please click here for our EYFS curriculum

At Chapel Break Infant School we celebrate the uniqueness of each child, recognising that they all learn and develop in different ways, at different rates and bring diverse experiences to our school. We nurture children’s natural curiosity, joyfulness and intrinsic creativity as powerful motivators across all areas of learning and development. We believe that risk and challenge is vital to ensure children become resilient, critical thinkers.

At Chapel Break Infant school we immerse our children in their learning. Our project based learning environments are created to ensure every area of the classroom stimulates learning and curiosity. We 'look in the mirror' to establish exactly what each child needs and we 'look out of the window' to prepare our children for their future life in their community and beyond.
We promote our 4 values: We are kind, we work as a team, we are curious and we create a culture of excellence. At Chapel Break we always have the highest aspirations for every child.

Please click here for our EYFS Curriculum statement