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Chapel Break Infant School

Outdoor Learning

 At Chapel Break we believe that every child needs access to the outdoors to enhance and enrich their learning experience. 

We have a fully functioning allotment where we grow our own fruit and vegetables.  Every child in the school benefits from time in the garden throughout the year and in all weathers.   We regularly harvest our crops and enjoy tasting what we have grown, learning to appreciate where food comes from.   It never ceases to amaze us how many vegetables children will eat when they have grown it and picked it themselves! 

We also have a small wooded area where the children enjoy outdoor learning activities.  So far this year we have searched for woodland creatures, foraged for signs of autumn, made creatures (Blobsters) from clay and built mini shelters for our ‘Blobsters’.   At the end of each session, we love sitting round our log circle, talking about what we have found and enjoying a lovely warm hot chocolate.

Garden Gallery