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Chapel Break Infant School

English at Chapel Break Infant School



Click here to see Intent, Implementation and Impact statement

Click here for the English Policy

Reception Curriculum including English

Reception Phonics

Click here to see the KS1 English Curriculum

Click here to see Yr 2 Vocab, Grammar & Spelling




Learning to read is one of the great skills for life. At Chapel Break our aim is that reading can bring pleasure, fun, help feed our children’s’ lively imaginations, be a vital part of childhood and open doors to new worlds. More than ever in a digital age, reading will be vital for learning at school, at home and for life. Our core reading scheme is Bug Club, one of the DfE's approved phonics teaching programmes.


A firm foundation

At Chapel Break we believe that children make a fast and solid start to reading by using a systematic synthetic phonics approach. We use Bug Club phonics which offers an accessible and inclusive phonics approach that we can also share with you at home. Bug Club follows the structure of Introduce, Revisit, Teach, Practice, Apply and Assess.

What is phonics?


Words are made up from small units of sound called phonemes. Phonics teaches children to be able to listen carefully and identify the phonemes that make up each word. This helps children to learn to read words and to spell words

 Bug Club Parent Video



 Chapel Break Reading Promises

Reading at Chapel Break

We will promise at school to


  • Teach all children the sounds (or phonemes) needed  to read words and send them home for you to practise together
  • Hear your child read regularly in group or guided reading
  • Give you and your child access to books at the right level for them
  • Teach your child ways to remember tricky or whole words and send them home for you to practise together
  • Help build their understanding of meaning by asking questions
  • Let you know if there are any problems and how things are progressing every term


Reading promises families can make to their children


  • To read a story to your child for fun every day
  • To find 5 minutes each day to help your child with sounds, words and their school reading book
  • To help your child remember their book bag each day
  • To praise every effort your child makes
  • To find ways of making the practising fun

  • To ask questions to help with understanding
  • To pop in and see us if you are concerned