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Chapel Break Infant School

Parents' Views

At Chapel Break we really value your views.


These are our latest survey results. 


Parent survey July 23

33 parent responses

 Thank you for these positive responses, we will look carefully at what you have said and continue to strive for excellence. Last year we took on board your feedback and have extended our after school provision.

This year we are making sure every year group has an early phonics workshop to support parents and a date sheet will be shared with all parents early in the term to allow for working parents to plan in advance. Curriculum overviews are on the website and knowledge organisers have been shared on Class Dojo.

We have face to face parent consultations, an open door policy and use Class Dojo to communicate with the parents. We also have a comprehensive weekly newsletter to share children's learning. All planning is available on the website and we now share knowledge organisers with the parents.

Agree/strongly agree


Don’t know

My child feels safe at this school



My child is happy at this school




The school makes sure its pupils are well behaved



My child has not been bullied or if they have, the school dealt with the bullying quickly and effectively




The school makes me aware of what my child will learn during the year



3 parents


I have not had to raise any concerns or when I have raised concerns with the school they have been dealt with properly




How strongly do you agree with this statement: ‘My child has SEND, and the school gives them the support they need to succeed.’



The school has high expectations for my child




2 parents

My child does well at this school




The school lets me know how my child is doing




There is a good range of subjects available to my child at this school




My child can take part in clubs and activities at this school




The school supports my child’s wider personal development




Chapel Break offers a rich set of experiences across the year for example school trips, after school clubs, The Big HeART studio. Forest School




I would recommend this school to another parent. 




Look what our families have to say about Chapel Break.

My son has thoroughly enjoyed his 3 years at Chapel Break and we are very sad to say goodbye. The support we have received recently from staff has really been above and beyond. Hopefully see you in a couple of years with a younger sibling! Thank you Chapel Break.
I would like to say a big thank you to all teachers in CBIS. You all do an amazing job and I'm glad my kids attend this school.
Both my children attended chapel break and they both extremely loved going to school each day, us as parents have never had any issues and loved the school also, we will all miss coming to chapel break! A fantastic school, we highly recommend.
The school is brilliant ***** has excelled in various ways and I couldn’t recommend the school more very happy parent
I have always been so happy with Chapel Break and I’m so glad I initially chose the school for my first child who is now eleven. My six year old loves her school and we are appreciative of how the children are encouraged to find their individual strengths and also be creative and kind.
My child has started at this school for a month now. It's early days but my child is always excited to go to school.
Love this school and so do my children. It’s unfortunate there is no breakfast/ after school club available without paying a fortune
My daughter loves school She's made good friends and I feel she's achieving her goals. All my children have attended this school as did I and my siblings . I feel the schools sets a good standard of care and I feel willing and able to approach staff should there be any issues .
Very friendly staff
The school is a caring and open and friendly. school staff are always welcoming. My child is happy to attend school and I feel they look at the child as an individual. Thank you for being a caring school all 3 of my children have attended one of which has a disability and I have always had the support for my family.